We are pleased to anounce the availability of a new Delphi grid control specifically designed for FMX. This control runs on all platforms, is easy on the memory, updatess fast and has smooth scrolling. There is a free version available that includes the following features:
- Connects to different data sources (Lists, List, TDataset)
- Smart row caching results in low memory usage
- Fast scrolling
- Hierarchical views
- Extendable property model based on .Net type system (object properties can be modified at runtime)
- Development backed up by a professional team of FMX developers
- Components used in professional software (Lynx/Lynx-x) by a large user community
We also provide a commercial version, this version adds model support and property binding to visual controls. You can easily bind properties to editors for advanced two way syncing.
Please go to GitHub - a-dato/FMX-GRID to download the free version.